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subtract fractions
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subtract fractions: how to subtract fractions, worksheets, games, puzzles, practice for subtracting fractions tips

subtract fractions

subtract fractions: how to subtract fractions, worksheets, games, puzzles, practice for subtracting fractions tips Online Practice
Mixed Operation
Negative Number
Word Problems

subtract fractions

This site provides you with the information about subtract fractions, how to subtract fractions, subtracting fractions, worksheets for subtracting fractions, games for subtracting fractions, puzzles for subtracting fractions, math fractions subtracting, subtract fractions practice, math subtract fractions practice, subtract fractions tips, and more.

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subtract fractions

There are 3 simple steps to subtract fractions 

Step 1. Make sure the bottom numbers (the denominators) are 
the same 
Step 2. Subtract the top numbers (the numerators). Put the 
answer over the the same denominator as in step 1 
Step 3. Simplify the fraction. 

Example 1: 

    3     1 
   --- - ---
    4     4 

Step 1. The bottom numbers are already the same. Go straight 
to step 2. 
Step 2. Subtract the top numbers and put the answer over the 
same denominator: 

   3     1     3 - 1     2 
  --- - --- = ------- = ---
   4     4       4       4 

Step 3. Simplify the fraction: 

   2     1 
  --- = ---
   4     2 

Example 2:

   1      1 
  --- - -----
   2     10 

Step 1. The bottom numbers are now different. We need to make 
them the same. 

   1      5 
  --- = -----
   2     10 

Step 2. Subtract the top numbers and put them over the 
same denominator:

     5      1     5 - 1      4 
   ---- - ---- = ------- = -----
    10     10      10       10 

Step 3. Simplify the fraction: 

    4     2 
  ---- = ---
   10     5 

Number Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Mixed Operation
Decimal Fraction Negative Number Percentage Coordinate Time Equation Geometry Word Problems
(Math Online Home) subtract fractions (c) EduSoftMax -