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decimal subtraction
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decimal subtraction

Decimal: free decimal games, math decimal puzzles, online worksheets, tips, problems solving, practice, learning Online Practice
Mixed Operation
Negative Number
Word Problems

decimal subtraction

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decimal subtraction

Decimals are fractional numbers. The decimal 0.8 is the same 
as 8/10. The number 0.88 is a decimal that represents 88/100. 

A decimal may be subtracted from another by the following 
procedure: the decimals are written one below the other with 
the decimal points vertically aligned the numbers are 
subtracted like whole numbers a decimal point is placed in the 
result (difference) such that it is directly below the decimal 
points in the decimals being subtracted. Example:

    - 2.88  

889 - 288 = 601. There are 2 decimal places in the numbers being 
subtracted, so the difference must have 2 decimal places. Thus, 
8.89 - 2.88 = 6.01 

Note that zeros to the right of a decimal fraction do not change 
the value of the decimal. Example: 

8.89 = 8.890 = 8.8900 = 8.89000 

Three tips for decimal addition as follows:

1. Subtracting Decimals is just like subtracting other numbers. 
2. Always line up the decimal points when subtracting decimals. 
3. Remember to put the decimal point in the proper place in your 

Number Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Mixed Operation
Decimal Fraction Negative Number Percentage Coordinate Time Equation Geometry Word Problems
(Math Online Home) decimal subtraction (c) EduSoftMax -