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Percentage: free percentage games, math percentage puzzles, online worksheets, percentage learning, tips, problems solving, practice, learn Online Practice
Mixed Operation
Negative Number
Word Problems


Tips for Percentage

1. Finding the Percent of a Number

To determine the percent of a number, do the following steps:

Multiply the number by the percent (e.g. 31 * 56 = 1736)
Divide the answer by 100 (Move decimal point two places to the left) (e.g. 1736/100 = 17.36)
Round to the desired precision (e.g. 17.36 rounded to the nearest whole number = 17)

2. Determining Percentage

Example: 68 is what percent of 87?

Divide the first number by the second (e.g. 68 ?87 = 0.7816)
Multiply the answer by 100 (Move decimal point two places to the right) (e.g. 0.7816*100 = 78.16)
Round to the desired precision (e.g. 78.16 rounded to the nearest whole number = 78)
Follow the answer with the % sign (e.g. 68 is 78% of 87)

3. Converting a Fraction to a Percent

Do the following steps to convert a fraction to a percent:

For example: Convert 4/5 to a percent.
Divide the numerator of the fraction by the denominator (e.g. 4 ?5=0.80)
Multiply by 100 (Move the decimal point two places to the right) (e.g. 0.80*100 = 80)
Round the answer to the desired precision.
Follow the answer with the % sign (e.g. 80%)

4. Converting a Percent to a Fraction

Do the following steps to convert a percent to a fraction:

For example: Convert 18% to a fraction.
Remove the Percent sign
Make a fraction with the percent as the numerator and 100 as the denominator (e.g. 18/100)
Reduce the fraction if needed

5. Converting a Decimal to a Percent

Do the following steps to convert a decimal to a percent:

For example: Convert 0.18 to a percent.
Multiply the decimal by 100 (e.g. 0.18 * 100 = 18)
Add a percent sign after the answer (e.g. 18%)

6. Converting a Percent to a Decimal

Do the following step to convert a percent to a decimal:

For example: Convert 18% to a decimal.
Divide the percent by 100 (e.g. 18 ?100 = 0.18)

Number Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Mixed Operation
Decimal Fraction Negative Number Percentage Coordinate Time Equation Geometry Word Problems
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